Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)





Hunsdon Church is an Evangelical Anglican Church; a family that is always delighted to welcome new brothers and sisters, rejoicing together in the love God has shown us in his Son, Jesus Christ.

We hope you will come to worship with us on Sundays at 11am and that you will want to join in with our other activities.

To navigate the App, please use the menu option signified by three horizontal bars at the top left of each page (here).  Members who are registered and logged in will have the fullest experience.

Who are we?

Here’s a little more about us.


Being Anglican means we are part of a long-established global network, but also firmly rooted within and focussed on loving and serving our local community. We’re the Church of England Parish Church, the oldest institution in the village, bringing the good news of Jesus to countless generations.


Being Evangelical means we trust that the Bible is God’s word to God’s world, revealing all we need to know about God and his loving purposes for his creation. We believe that human beings flourish when they honour God as King and live humbly before him in accordance with the Bible’s teaching. Accordingly, we seek to do this ourselves and encourage others to do the same.

We recognise that, left to our own devices, we all fail in this regard, but God never fails. We celebrate God’s extraordinary love and forgiveness shown to us in Jesus Christ. He is such good news for the world, we make him and his glory the focus of all we do as a church.

Hunsdon Church is a corporate member of the Evangelical Alliance and a registered Fairtrade Church.


Our Pastor (known as the Rector) is the Reverend Mark Dunstan. He trained at Oak Hill Theological College in London and has been our Pastor here since 2006. In his spare time he likes to make music.

Mark is supported by the Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council, but everyone in the church family has their own part to play. More information is available on our website.

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This app was developed by Andy Moyles at ChurchAdmin / The Gateway Church.

We are grateful to the Lord Jesus for equipping his church with digital expertise.