We are adding a searchable database of the graves in the Old Churchyard. At present, we have only the information relating to the extension (the northernmost area of the yard adjacent to the driveway to Hunsdon House and The Stables, pictured below). This area was opened for burials in January 1922.

To search for a record in the table below, click the magnifying glass icon to open the search box, then enter a name or year (or other criteria). Then scroll across the relevant entries to explore the data, including, where there is a memorial on the grave, a photograph of the memorial. (If you click the “Eye” icon, all the detail of that entry will be displayed in a vertical table, and the “URL” of the memorial image is shown. You can copy this text and paste it into your browser to see a larger version of the memorial image.)
We are aware there are some anomalies, e.g. differences in spelling between headstone and register entry. Where there is any discrepancy, we have entered the information in the register. We note further that this is sometimes difficult to read.
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