Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Our Vision

Our Vision


Our Vision is to become a disciple-making church.

There is much more that could (and should) be said about this, but we note simply this: as he left them (at his ascension into heaven), Jesus instructed his disciples to make disciples. We wish to honour our Lord by being obedient to that call.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

(Matthew 28:19-20a)

We have five key Values, three about the gospel and two about the church. They are:

  • Saving: The gospel saves
  • Transforming: The gospel transforms
  • Everywhere: The gospel should be proclaimed in every context
  • Praying: All the people of God should pray
  • Proclaiming: All the people of God should proclaim

The acronym STEPP may help you to remember this.

Our Mission Statement shapes our priorities:

We aim to Know Christ
and Make Him Known

  1. Our first priority is to Know Christ.
    This priority focuses on deepening the faith of those who already call themselves Christians and includes equipping people to broaden the offer of ministry.
  2. Our second priority is to Make Him Known.
    This priority focuses on bringing the good news of Jesus to those in darkness and includes equipping people to undertake this mission.
  3. Our third priority is to build a new chapel / church centre in the village.
    This will provide for enhanced provision across all three strands of the diocesan strategy, Living God’s Love, namely, Going Deeper into GodMaking New Disciples and Transforming Community.

We have several SMART goals under each priority which, when achieved, will move us closer to achieving our vision. Please pray for us as we work towards this.