Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Ash Wednesday

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season of Lent. Traditionally, this is regarded as a period of 40 days in which disciples of Jesus show special devotion to following him, remembering especially his call in Mark 8:34, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” It is 40 days in recognition that Jesus himself spent 40 days fasting and praying and facing temptation in the wilderness.

Our tradition here, unlike some churches, is not to mark the heads of the congregations with ash (in Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus suggests this is not necessarily the most appropriate behaviour for his followers!). Instead we gather for a simple service of Holy Communion, usually in the evening to enable those who work during the day to attend. The service is quiet and contemplative in style, giving space for self-examination and penitence. We commit ourselves to deepening our relationship with Jesus and we pray for one another.

This year, the service will be at Widford Church at 8pm.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay