Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)


Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Restarting Parish Prayers

Our meetings for Parish Prayers were amongst the ministries interrupted by the Covid pandemic. After an initial re-start faltered because of changing personal circumstances amongst a significant number of the most regular attendees, we have re-imagined how this ministry can begin again. We have concluded that a short, focussed, weekly time of prayer in which…
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Big Help Out

As part of the celebrations surrounding the Coronation of King Charles III, Monday 8th May has been set aside as a day for community service. The PCC is pleased to be sharing with other village organisations in this special opportunity, and we encourage everyone to get involved somewhere. You can sign up to be involved…
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Time to Sing a New Song?

There’s an old joke… “How many Anglicans does it take to change a light bulb?” “Change?  We don’t want that…” Whilst there’s a real comfort to be gained from tried and tested traditions, there’s an associated risk that familiarity may breed contempt, or to put it more generously, may result in the message of the…
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Harvest Challenge 2022

As we gear up for our Harvest Celebration in support of the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal this year, I thought it would be good to hear from TEARFund, whose project in Mozambique we will be supporting. When I contacted them, they invited me to run a week-long challenge within the church in the run up to…
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Counting Bats

It was lovely to see so many people at our Bat Information Evening in April and wonderful that lots of people said they were interested in joining us for the Bat Count in June. Setting a date for the counts isn’t quite as straight forward as we thought! Roger, our bat expert writes: The count…
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An Evening with the Batman

We are pleased to welcome guests of all ages to a special event at St Dunstan’s Church on Thursday 21st April from 7:30pm. We have three species of bats resident in the church. Local bat expert Roger Harvard will be giving an informative talk about the bats using pictures (and maybe some real bats). Budding…
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War in Ukraine

We have all been shocked by the terrible news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the appalling suffering being inflicted upon the people there. It has been wonderful to see generosity in action as members of our community have rallied round to send much needed goods to those affected, courtesy of those with transport…
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Re-arranged Workday

We postponed our summer workday at the end of July because of poor weather, and we hope the replacement date will prove a better choice… Come to help out at Hunsdon Church from 10am on Saturday 4th September. As before, if you have tools like shears or secateurs, a spade, trowel or rake, then please…
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Church Summer Workday

At our PCC meeting last week, we received a report from the newly established Premises Committee following its recent inspection of the churchyard and church building.  A short list of tasks has been drawn up that can be done by volunteers on a workday.  We therefore invite you to come to help out at Hunsdon…
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News from Hunsdon Church

We had a good PCC (Parochial Church Council) meeting this week. We received a helpful report on Safeguarding from our Parish Safeguarding Officer and an update on our finances. We have established a new subcommittee to take special responsibility for all the premises (church, chapel, churchyard and recreation area) and asked this committee to review…
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