Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Tag: climate change

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Fairtrade Fortnight 2024

Hunsdon Church is proud to be a Fairtrade Church. Here’s a note about some of the work we are supporting. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2024 (9th – 22nd September 2024) will highlight the stark reality that many non-Fairtrade farmers and workers are facing, with households continuing to earn below the poverty line. Entitled Be the Change. Choose…
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Harvest Challenge 2022

As we gear up for our Harvest Celebration in support of the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal this year, I thought it would be good to hear from TEARFund, whose project in Mozambique we will be supporting. When I contacted them, they invited me to run a week-long challenge within the church in the run up to…
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