Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Month: February 2024

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

An Easter Journey

Sorry if you’ve come here via the QR code in the magazine. We’ve not been able to set it all up as expected. We will do it another time. Feel free to register your interest below and we’ll keep in touch in relation to this. My article at the front of the March edition of…
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A Frugal Lunch for Fairtrade

We haven’t done this for a while because of the Covid19 pandemic, but this year we thought it was about time to hold another “Lent Lunch.” It will take place in Hunsdon School after the Sunday service on 25th February (sometime between noon and 12:15pm). It is deliberately simple fare – soup, bread and a…
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