Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

App Content


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Safeguarding We take very seriously the responsibility to keep people safe, especially children and adults who are vulnerable. Our trustees and officeholders undergo training and we have a suite of policies and procedures in place which are regularly reviewed. You may contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) through the form on our website, here. If…
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New Music

New Music The Psalmist wrote: “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.” Accordingly, whilst it is good to sing the old songs, it…
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Church Rotas

This app has its own rota-organisation arrangements, but we are using ChurchBox at the moment. Sadly, it appears not to be possible to access this from within the app. Please click the following link to access ChurchBox on your own browser: Take me to ChurchBox

Rector’s Blog

Rector’s Blog See below for some recent articles.  Visit the Rector’s Blog in your browser here.

Contact Us

Contact Us You can use this link to access our website contact form which allows you to send an email to specific people. Alternatively, you may prefer to telephone the Rector on 01920 877276. Our postal address is Rectory, Acorn Street Hunsdon Ware SG12 8PB. You can find us on social media:       We…
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Prayers for Today

Each week, we pray (all week) for the residents of particular streets in the village: – – – – – – – – Every day of the month, we pray for a different aspect of the church’s ministry: – – – – – – – – Please join us in prayer… If you have any…
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Our Vision

Here’s some stuff about what we want to see.


Giving The Bible encourages us to give abundantly, thoughtfully and joyfully in response to God’s grace, in recognition of God’s gifts and in response to needs and priorities.  We should give of our energy, time and talents, and we should give of our income. If you would like to make a donation online, please use…
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Midweek Groups We believe Jesus is not just for Christmas, but for every day.  Our 7Days ministry incorporates a number of different groups meeting for different purposes: Prayer Groups, Growth Groups and Business Teams. Prayer Groups We are called to a life of faith, which means entrusting ourselves into God’s keeping and obeying his commands.…
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