Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Activity Weekend

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Activity Weekend

Last year, the King sponsored an initiative called the “Big Help Out.” As part of that, we organised a Church Spring Clean and Churchyard Tidy-up. The initiative is being repeated this year, and we have decided to extend our activity a little.

So, on Saturday 8th June, we invite people to join us for our Spring Clean and Churchyard Tidy-up. We’ll start at 10am, have refreshments towards the end and pack up at about 12noon. We’ll put a separate post about tools to bring and jobs that need doing so you can come well informed and adequately equipped!

Then, on Sunday 9th June, as well as extending a warm welcome to our morning service of praise (at 11am as usual), we would like to welcome anyone to join us for an Open Day. There will be history tours, cream teas, and a treasure hunt activity for children. St Dunstan’s Church is an interesting building both historically and architecturally – we do hope people will take this opportunity to explore and enjoy it.

Please spread the word, particularly amongst local friends and family. Admission, activities and refreshments are free (though donations towards our costs are always welcome).