Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

Tag: premises

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

A good job of work

I don’t know whether this is a well-known expression, or just something that was said in my circles, but I hope the meaning is clear… at today’s Church Spring Clean, “a good job of work” was done. A group few in number but fabulous in commitment turned out, and both the inside and the outside…
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Church Spring Clean

Last year, in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III, people were encouraged to set aside some time for community service under the title, “The Big Help Out.” It has been decided another similar initiative should take place this year over the three days 7th-9th June. The PCC has chosen to carry out a…
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Church and Churchyard Car Park Fence

Many of you will visit the churchyard through the course of the year to remember loved ones buried there.  It is a provision made by the church to the community, and we know how important it is to village families.  Partly because of the passage of time, but mostly because of a succession of accidents…
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Re-arranged Workday

We postponed our summer workday at the end of July because of poor weather, and we hope the replacement date will prove a better choice… Come to help out at Hunsdon Church from 10am on Saturday 4th September. As before, if you have tools like shears or secateurs, a spade, trowel or rake, then please…
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Church Summer Workday

At our PCC meeting last week, we received a report from the newly established Premises Committee following its recent inspection of the churchyard and church building.  A short list of tasks has been drawn up that can be done by volunteers on a workday.  We therefore invite you to come to help out at Hunsdon…
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News from Hunsdon Church

We had a good PCC (Parochial Church Council) meeting this week. We received a helpful report on Safeguarding from our Parish Safeguarding Officer and an update on our finances. We have established a new subcommittee to take special responsibility for all the premises (church, chapel, churchyard and recreation area) and asked this committee to review…
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