Hunsdon Rectory, SG12 8PB
(01920 877276)

News for the Pews

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Here’s the latest:

  • Sharing Food and Sharing Lives
    It’s quite clear from the Bible that “church” is not a building, but a community of people. The Bible uses several different metaphors to describe this community, but one really helpful one is “family.” In the New Testament letters, we read repeated references to the Christians being called “brothers and sisters.” Jesus himself said that…
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  • Fairtrade Fortnight 2024
    Hunsdon Church is proud to be a Fairtrade Church. Here’s a note about some of the work we are supporting. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2024 (9th – 22nd September 2024) will highlight the stark reality that many non-Fairtrade farmers and workers are facing, with households continuing to earn below the poverty line. Entitled Be the Change. Choose…
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  • A good job of work
    I don’t know whether this is a well-known expression, or just something that was said in my circles, but I hope the meaning is clear… at today’s Church Spring Clean, “a good job of work” was done. A group few in number but fabulous in commitment turned out, and both the inside and the outside…
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  • Church Spring Clean
    Last year, in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III, people were encouraged to set aside some time for community service under the title, “The Big Help Out.” It has been decided another similar initiative should take place this year over the three days 7th-9th June. The PCC has chosen to carry out a…
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  • Activity Weekend
    Last year, the King sponsored an initiative called the “Big Help Out.” As part of that, we organised a Church Spring Clean and Churchyard Tidy-up. The initiative is being repeated this year, and we have decided to extend our activity a little. So, on Saturday 8th June, we invite people to join us for our…
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